On a calm night in an average city a hardworking URYDE driver, Brandon, picks up just another fare, Judd. Using interactions that blur the lines between the technological world and the physical one, Judd explains a messy breakup. Brandon offers an empathetic ear and a sympathetic heart to his new friend to help him pick up the pieces. Aggregated profiles, algorithms, links, likes and ments bring people closer. But how close is too close?
发布时间:2024-06-16 09:01对此,皇马希望抢占先机,俱乐部想重复2014年曾被用于签下克罗斯的战略,当时后者的合同会在2015年到期,并且拒绝续约,最终拜仁同意以2500万欧的转会费将他出售至皇马。